Rotary Club of Broomfield Crossing

To the Future Rotarian:
Our club's primary goal is to have fun at what we do in serving the Broomfield Community and at our weekly breakfast meetings. We support our community by raising funds to meet the needs of Broomfield, from youth through seniors. The worthy causes we support are chosen and put into action by our members. We would welcome your ideas and be happy to share more with you as a potential new member of our club.
Some examples of our service include our Peach Sales event at the end of August, which helps fund our Santa Visit Program the first week in December, and gives treats to more than 450 Children and others, including the Health and Human Services, plus the Broomfield Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Our Club was the founder and is a current supporter of the annual BroomStock party each spring which provides students a place to celebrate their high school graduation in an alcohol and drug-free environment. On an international level we fully support the Rotary International "Polio Plus" Program, which has been very successful in the eradication of Polio worldwide. We have supported water projects in Uganda to provide sanitized water to the local communities and cut down on diseases caused by poor sanitation. We also sponsor local villages in Kenya and have funded a foreign student exchange program for the past 12 years, enriching the lives of both domestic and foreign students. For more information about our club activities, click here.
If you are a morning person and looking for a place to serve your community, iPie is the place to be for breakfast on Tuesday mornings. Our meeting starts a 7:10 am with a half hour of socializing and breakfast, followed by approximately 15 - 20 minutes of Club formalities and topped off by a 30 minute presentation by a noted speaker or business leader in the community. Our meetings will adjourn at 8:30 am to allow you to get to your place of work in time for your 9:00 am business meeting. Please see our Club Visitor's Guide for more information. Although iPie is our primary meeting place, please check our website calendar as we periodically meet at other locations in the Broomfield area. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
In Rotary Service,
Michael Blackwood
Club Director of Communication