Here's a picture of our packaging crew from Thursday, December 21, 2023, when we packaged 100lbs of rice and 600lbs of beans that we purchased and delivered to Broomfield FISH.
During the 2023 calendar year, Rotary Club of Broomfield Crossing purchased and packaged $18,692.59 of bulk goods weighing 28,000 lbs. spending an estimated 1,175 hours. Some of these goods were purchased with a Rotary District 5450 grant that we received in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Broomfield (evening club), and the Rotary Club of Westminster.
It is our privilege to help support our community. Our Rotary moto is "Service above Self".
If you'd like to visit Rotary Club of Broomfield Crossing, our meetings are held 7:10AM on Tuesday mornings (except for holiday weeks) at iPIE 145 Nickel St in Broomfield. All are Welcome.